- Â Bee attracting principle
- Â Bee attractor Equipment
- Â Bee attracting time
 2, the migration peak period: the migration peak period is the best time to attract bees, because the migration peak period has a large number of migration groups to find nesting sites, the specific time is different due to bee species, climate, etc., generally concentrated in the lack of honey or serious enemy damage from July to September.
- Â Bee attraction site
 2, honey source conditions: the lure hive should be placed in a place where the honey source is rich and continuous, the reason is that the survival and reproduction of bees are inseparable from the honey source, and there will be no bees to nest and settle in the place where the honey source is scarce, and the lure hive must be investigated and clear about the nearby honey source.
 3, nesting conditions: the beehive should be placed in a place that meets the nesting habits of bees, one is that the surrounding environment must be quiet and rarely disturbed by humans and animals, the other is that it must be sheltered from the wind and warm in winter and cool in summer.