Without Logo Beehive And Bee Hive Boxes

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BeeCastle Beehive 10 Frame 4 Layer

BeeCastle Beehive 10 Frame 4 Layer:Beeswax Coated Bee Hive with 2 Deep Brood,2 Super Boxes,Complete with Wooden Frames and Beeswax Plastic Foundation.Logo Free Hive for a Natural Beekeeping Experience

Brand BeeCastle Layer 10 Frame 4 Layer Beeswax YES Dovetail Joint YES Deep Brood Box Quantity 2 Super Quantity 2 Super Box Dimensions 16-1/4″ x 19-7/8″ x 6-5/8 Deep Box...
10-Frame Beehive 3 Layer: 2 deep bee box,1 super box

BeeCastle Logo Free 10 Frame 3 Layer Beehive:Complete Cedar Wood Bee Hive with Beeswax Coated Plastic Foundation and Wooden Frames. Unassembled Hive Includes 2 Deep Boxes and 1 Medium Box for an Organic Beekeeping Journey

Brand BeeCastle Layer 10 Frame 3 Layer Beeswax YES Dovetail Joint YES Deep Brood Box Quantity 2 Super Quantity 1 Super Box Dimensions 16-1/4″ x 19-7/8″ x 6-5/8 Deep Box...